Zema - Love Is The Greatest
This lyric contains biblical references. Click here to show the references.
It's the greatest thing of all
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
1 Corinthians 13:13
Though I speak with tongues
Of men and of angels
But if I have not love
I become a clanging cymbal
1 Corinthians 13:1
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Though I have prophecy
To understand all mysteries and knowledge
Though I have all faith
That I could remove mountains
But if I have not love
I am nothing
But if I have not love
I am nothing, not a thing, yeah
Matthew 17:20; Matt. 21:21; 1 Corinthians 13:2
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Though I bestow all my body
To feed the poor
And though I give up my body
To be burned
But if I have not love
It profits me nothing
But if I have not love
It profits me nothing
1 Corinthians 13:3
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
When I was a child
I understood as a child
But when I became grown
I put away childish things
1 Corinthians 13:11
Now I must understand
That love is the greatest thing
'Cause if we don't give love
Everything is nothing
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
'Cause if we don't give love
Everything is nothing
'Cause if we don't give love
Everything is nothing
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Love is the greatest thing
It's the greatest thing of all
Love is the greatest thing..
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