Prince Alla - Cities
In dem city, with no pity
With no love on dem busy streets
Oh, that city, with no pity
With no love on dem busy streets
Hungry belly children on the streets
With no place to sleep, no food to eat
Hungry belly children on the streets
With no place to sleep, no food to eat
In dem city, with no pity
With no love on dem busy streets
Oh, that city, with no pity
With no love on dem busy streets
Hungry belly children on the street
With no home or no direction home
Hungry belly children on the streets
With no place to sleep, no food to eat
But that city, with no pity
With no love on dem busy streets
Oh, that city, with no pity
With no love on dem busy streets
Deh were starving children
Deh are too much of dem
Starving children, too much of them
City, with no pity
You are a city, with no pity
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