Prince Alla - Bosrah

This lyric contains biblical references. Click here to show the references.

Now the Rastaman came from Bosrah
With his garment dipped in blood..
Came from Bosrah with his garment dipped in blood..
Came from Bosrah with his garment dipped in blood..
Isaiah 63:1

Look at that Rastaman dat clothed in red, (him look so dread)
A dance Nyabinghi sound and him rode so red, (him look so dread)

Came from Bosrah with his garment dipped in blood..
Sing it out, sing it out, Jah Jah children!
Came from Bosrah with his garment dipped in blood..
The man they no have no mother, the man they no have no father
No beginning a death, no ending a time
Hebrews 7:3

A Him a Creator for all mankind
Genesis 1:27

Came from Bosrah with his garment dipped in blood..
I and I haffi love him
Came from Bosrah with his garment dipped in blood..
I and I and I and I haffi love him
Came from Bosrah with his garment dipped in blood..
Wadada wadada..
Came from Bosrah with his garment dipped in blood..
I and I, I and I seh..

The man they no have no mother, the man they no have no father
No beginning a death, no ending a time
A Him a Creator for all mankind

Came from Bosrah with his garment dipped in blood..
I and I, I and I haffi give thanks and praise
Came from Bosrah with his garment dipped in blood..
I and I, I and I, yeah..
Bredda know a dis ya warning
Before that Judgement ?? yeah
Com inna di ??
Another mark of a righteous man, yeah!
I and I, I and I, chant Nyabinghi till a morning
Chant Nyabinghi!

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