Mighty Diamonds - The Poor Man's Prayer

When we were only kids,
We didn't know too well
So everything was great
So now we're fully grown
We come to understand
The struggles we must face

Oh Lord we beg for your mercy's
Don't let them push us around
Beg for your mercy's
Don't want to be on the ground
Beg for your loving love

Lord knows we're calling out
To all mankind
To give an helping hand
We know the road is rough
It's oh so tough
But we've got to find a way

Oh Lord we beg for your mercy's
Don't let them push us around
Beg for your mercy's
Don't want to be on the ground
Beg for your loving love


Lord knows we're calling out
To all mankind
To give an helping hand
We know the road is rough
It's oh so tough
But we've got to find a way

Oh Lord we beg for your mercy's
Don't let them push us around
Beg for your mercy's
Don't want to be on the ground
Beg for your loving love
When we were only kids,
We didn't know too well
So everything was great
So now we're fully grown
We come to understand
The struggles we must face

Oh Lord we beg for your mercy's
Don't let them push us around..

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