Kiddus I - Midas Touch
A place we should have fun and joy in,
For all to share
But right the land they have now
And exhaust the most
With their chemicals and various things
Soon there'll be no increase
There's a rationing going on
All over the world
He who feels it, knows it
All over the world now
He who feels it, knows it
Your rules and regulations
Are stifling us, stifling us
'Cause you don't live by them
Then why should we
We can see, hey
We see you big nations
Wasting your moneys on
A mere fancies and wimps
An individual scheme of things
Day by day, a money's spent on wars
And equipments of war
Which could have solved
The rationing in the land
Yeah, yeah, now
But you like it that way
Now your rules and regulations
Are stifling us, stifling us
You don't live by them
Then why should we
We can see
Now when your deeds all face you
You with your Midas touch
You will be experiencing
The pinch of the touch you had left
Feeling the rationing in the land, you will
Feel the rationing in the land
Feel the rationing in the land, you will
You will
He who feels it, knows it
Now your rules and regulations
Are stifling us, stifling us
'Cause you don't live by them
Then why should we
'Cause we can see
You polluted the sea
You polluted the air
Polluting the world
With your Midas touch
The pinch of the touch you had left
Is fogging up the minds
Of those who will listen
To you, I say
So they'll feel the rationing in the land, they will
Feel the rationing in the land
Feel the rationing in the land, they will
Feel the rationing in the land
And he who feels it, knows it, knows it, knows it
Whoa, weeya whoa, whoa yeah, hey, hey
Feel, feel
Whoa yeah
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