Hugh Mundell - Rasta Have The Handle
We've got to reach the top
And no matter how the hill might be steep
We'll never stop
And no matter how dangerous the cliff
We'll never fall
'Cause Rasta have the handle
Babylon, you hold on on the blame
The ocean may be a million miles wide
We've got to reach across
No matter how things may be though
We've got to be rough
No matter how long the journey
We never get weary
'Cause Rasta have the handle
Babylon, them hold on on the blame
The ocean be a million miles wide
We've got to reach across
No matter the things they do
We've got to get through
No matter how long the journey
We never get weary
'Cause Rasta have the handle
Babylon, hold on on the blame
No matter how things may be though
We've got to be rough
No matter how the fire may be red
We never get burned
No matter them tribulations
We've got to be strong
'Cause Rasta have the handle
Babylon, you hold on on the blame
Rasta have the handle!
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