Hugh Mundell - 24 Hours A Day

Going 'round, comes around

The world goes round, 24 hours a day
And when it comes to night, I'll start to pray
This is what I say when I pray
I pray that you come by my side
And close to me, and a never say bye

The world goes round, 24 hours a day
And when it comes to night, I'll start to pray
This is what I say when I pray
I pray that you be a virtuous woman
Keep me happy, all along


The world goes round, 24 hours a day
And when it comes to night, I'll start to pray
This is what I say when I pray
I pray you keep on loving me right
Keep on hugging me tight
Right through the night

The world goes round!
The world goes round, Lord
Keep on coming around

The world goes round..

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