Culture - One Grandson
And grandmothers who are involved in doing wrong.
Quiet yourself youthman, don't bother with the war.
Quiet yourself youthman, don't bother with the war.
For granny one grandson gone live at penitentiary wall.
For granny one grandson gone live at penitentiary wall.
Quiet yourself youthman, don't bother with the war.
Quiet yourself youthman, don't bother with the war.
For granny one grandson gone live at penitentiary wall.
For granny one grandson gone live at penitentiary wall.
Granny round a kitchen a screw up face like she a bawl.
Granny round a kitchen a screw up face like she a bawl.
For granny one, grandson gone live at penitentiary wall.
For granny one, grandson gone live at penitentiary wall.
You hear what I say..
For granny one, grandson gone live at penitentiary wall.
For granny one, grandson gone live at penitentiary wall.
Only if Granny had bend that tree from it was young.
Only if Granny had bend that tree from it was young.
Granny one grandson wouldn't live a penitentiary wall.
Hear what I say:
Granny one grandson wouldn't live a penitentiary wall.
Granny one grandson wouldn't live a penitentiary wall.
Granny one grandson wouldn't live a penitentiary wall.
Monday morning come you gone a Halfway Tree.
Tuesday morning come you gone a Sutton street,
Granny one grandson gone live a penitentiary wall.
Granny one grandson gone live a penitentiary wall.
Granny one grandson gone live a penitentiary wall.
Granny one grandson gone live a penitentiary wall.
You hear this!
Everything him walk in with you tell him, him lucky.
Everything him come in with you take it and tell him, him lucky.
Granny one grandson gone live a penitentiary wall.
Granny one grandson gone live a penitentiary wall.
Granny one grandson gone live a penitentiary wall.
Quiet yourself youthman.
For Granny one grandson gone live a penitentiary wall.
For Granny one grandson gone live a penitentiary wall.
For Granny one grandson gone live a penitentiary wall.
For Granny one grandson gone live a penitentiary wall..
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