Bob Andy - No Video

No one owns a video in my neighbourhood
We don't hear the radio, reception ain't too good
Nearest cinema is far, fortunes don't allow
Anyone to drive a car but - let me tell you how we live

You see, we have got the rivers
We have got the hills
No, they can't ever take away those thrills

We don't visit the country club
You see it's out of bounds
For lack of support the neighbourhood pub
Just recently shut down
Public transport don't exist
Food supply runs low
Yes, the poverty persists
Yet us poor folks won't bow

Because we have got the rivers
We have got the hills
No, they can't ever take away those thrills


Public transport don't exist
Food supply runs low
Yes, the poverty persists
But us poor folks will never bow

Because we have got the rivers
We have got the hills
No, they can't ever take away those thrills

We have got the rivers
We have got the hills
No, they can't ever take away those thrills

We have got the rivers
We have got the hills
No, no, no, no they can't ever
We won't ever take away those thrills

Bob Andy lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
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