Bambu Station - Injoy

Full joy, bring joy, let's injoy
Let's make this a better day
Full joy, injoy, nah kill joy
That's what my mamma say

Man dem form circle, let's play our role, I say
'Cause our, spirit is so powerful, yea
Come Queens, come sistas, come dance in here
'Cause tonight, there'll be no foolishness, I say

Full joy, bring joy, let's injoy
Let's make this a better day
Full joy, injoy, nah kill joy, yeah
That's what my mamma say

Standing man to man, I say
Reasoning with your brethrens dem
Taking time to overstand, our cultural differences
'Cause we got to tolerate misunderstanding
'Cause human frailty is where we all begin
Just want us to all feel dred
So we can't even buy a reason to be scared

Full joy, bring joy, let's injoy
Let's make this a better day
Full joy, injoy, nah kill joy
That's what my mamma say

Check the vibes, they're so nice in here
People all about, people skanking everywhere
Some man leaning against the wall
Some man just, shaking their head
But I challenge each and every one of you
Let's go take these vibes out there, yea

Full joy, bring joy, let's injoy
Let's make this a better day
Full joy, injoy, nah kill joy
That's what my mamma say

We got to find a betta way
Because the violence never solve nothing
We got to find a betta way
Not just for the future but for today, yea, yea
We got to find a betta way
Because the violence never solve nothing
Hatred never solve nothing
Anger never solve nothing

Full joy, bring joy, let's injoy, yeah
That's what me mamma say
That's what the Emperor say
That's what Ms. Bethune say
That's what me heroes say
That's what me teacher say
Full joy! Bring joy!
Let's injoy, better, better, better days
What can I do?

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