Bambu Station - Brotherhood
Let's see.. brotherhood! Let's sing. brotherhood!
Like an army of love, fighting the negative down
Like the locusts come from South
Covering everything to the ground
Like a Saviour from above
Giving their life, soul and love
Just imagine us now, armed in each other's arms
So the wicked must bow
Neighbour fighting neighbour, because of ego
Disagreement and folly
The more we pass the time in vexation
Distance becomes the reality
Disagreement safe for at least you know
Deceit not around
For the ones who can disagree with you
In dem a true friend is found
So let there be no strife I pray, between you and me
Let there be love, without dissimilation
'Cause we are brethrens of thee
A spiritual mind is filled with life
A spiritual mind is filled with peace
Stand fast Jah Army and ponder the ways of thy feet
And let's live.. brotherhood! Let's be.. brotherhood!
Let's see.. brotherhood! Let's sing. brotherhood!
Like an army of love, fighting the negative down
Like the locusts come from South
Covering everything to the ground
Like a Saviour from above
Giving their life, soul and love
Just imagine us now, armed in each other's arms
So the wicked must bow
Tribal hearts.. singing war chants!
Destroying all.. communal influence!
Just because of lil'.. transgression!
Glorify your halls.. with discretion!
Neighbour loving neighbour, forgiving neighbour
Forbearing neighbour is good, neighbour building neighbour
Harvesting neighbour, intensive labour is 'hood
From the Queen Alpha to the King Omega
Not a stone to be left unturned
So what can come between can also be squeezed
To strengthen and build brotherhood
Let's live.. brotherhood! Let's be.. brotherhood!
Let's see.. brotherhood! Let's sing. brotherhood!
Like an army of love, fighting the negative down
Like the locusts come from South
Covering everything to the ground
Like a Saviour from above
Giving their life, soul and love
Just imagine us now, armed in each other's arms
So the wicked must bow
Armed in each other's arms, so the wicked must bow
Armed in each other's arms, so the wicked must bow
Neighbour loving neighbour, forgiving neighbour
Forbearing neighbour
Neighbour building neighbour, harvesting neighbour
And from the Queen Alpha and to the King Omega
Not a stone to be left unturned
Not a stone to be left in between
Not a stone to be left unseen
Not a stone in the roots of our trees
I'm talkin' to the soldiers on the street
Tings more complex than the things that you see
Tings more complex than the things that you see
Let's live.. brotherhood! Let's be.. brotherhood!
Let's see.. brotherhood! Let's sing. brotherhood!
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